

    东京—2013年7月16日—作为国际领先的太阳能组件供应商,Upsolar于今日宣布其组件会为Greenheart的第一艘轮船提供船上操作所需的电力。Greenheart作为一家非营利性机构,致力于研发成本低、零排放的货轮。这艘可再生能源驱动的轮船——被称为Sailing Vessel (S/V) Greenheart——将作为该组织的样品船,以支持世界范围内的环境保护、经济发展以及教育事业。

Rendering of the Greenheart Ship, equipped with Upsolar modules  Greenheart 船舶的透视图该船只配备了Upsolar电池组件 


    S/V Greenheart的舱口、船顶以及顶蓬上均会安装大约两千瓦的Upsolar组件,以便满足船舶的电力需求,其中包括航行、通信以及海水淡化过程中所需消耗的电力。船舶的能量储存系统可收集通过光伏系统以及船上风能技术共同产生的能量,以便时刻为整艘船输送电力,从而使得S/V Greenheart实现真正意义上的不依赖化石燃料。

    “我们的目标是与高质量技术供应商以及机构合作,并且该供应商或机构应同我们一样重视承担环境与社会责任。与Upsolar的合作使得我们同时实现了这2个目标,”Gavin Allwright,,Greenheart项目的商务总监说道。“S/V Greenheart仅仅只是我们为全球各地区提供清洁、价格合理的运输方式蓝图中的第一步,我们期待通过与Upsolar的合作能够逐渐扩大我们的太阳能动力船队。”

    S/V Greenheart预计于2014年年初进行首次航行,届时将会测试一系列可能涉及的应用问题,例如:捕鱼和生态旅游。

    “Greenheart项目是一个里程碑,它为航海这个悠久行业的可持续发展带来了巨大转变”,蒋喆, Upsolar的首席执行官说道。“我们感到非常自豪,因为我们为唤醒全球共同发展的新模式以及各个企业的环保意识奉献了自己的力量。”

    About Upsolar

    Upsolar develops and produces high quality solar PV modules at competitive prices, offering a secure long-term investment for customers around the world. Bolstered by a commitment to product R&D and support from its flexible manufacturing platforms, Upsolar ensures top-tier performance and reliability while maintaining an asset light approach to its business. All Upsolar products are backed by industry-leading product and performance guarantees to ensure superior performance over the lifetime of each system. Upsolar also champions environmental sustainability through key sponsorships and environmental initiatives. To learn more about Upsolar, its products or its sustainability efforts, please visit





    About the Greenheart:


    The Greenheart project is a simple idea, centered around a sailing cargo ship. Not the traditional, square-rigged tall ship of the nineteenth century, but a completely modern, efficient, cooperative trading vessel, powered by the sun and the wind alone. The first specially-designed ship, named the Sailing Vessel (S/V) Greenheart, will serve many functions. It will be a transport vessel, the international headquarters for the enterprise, and a training vessel for young people from around the world. The unique ship will also serve as a promotional platform, to publicize international cooperation, clean energy, Fair Trade and sustainable industry. To learn more about the Greenheart project, please visit

    Greenheart项目的理念很简单,其核心就是围绕一艘航行的货轮。不是19世纪传统的横帆髙桅船,而是完全现代的、高效能的贸易货轮,其运行的动力完全由太阳能和风能来提供。第一艘专门设计的名为Sailing Vessel (S/V) Greenheart的轮船能实现多种功能。它可以作为运输船、某企业的国际总部,亦或是从世界各地前来的年轻人的训练船;这艘独特的轮船还可以作为一个促销平台,用以宣传国际合作、清洁能源、公平贸易以及可持续发展产业。欲知更多关于绿色之心的项目,请访问。

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